deKay's Lofi Gaming

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Switch): COMPLETED!

It can’t be that long ago when I last played the original (well, DX) version of Link’s Awakening, I thought to myself. After all, I remember most of what I’m supposed to be doing. It turns out it was more than eight years ago. It also turns out I’d not remembered quite as much as I’d thought. This Switch version is a shot-for-shot remake of Link’s Awakening DX. All the same enemies, all the same weapons, all the same characters, …

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX (3DS): COMPLETED!

You know, I found that I did, in fact, have a copy of the DX version for the Game Boy Colour after all.  As well as the non-DX version. And I’d totally forgotten. Tch, eh? Today, I completed it. Since I last posted, I did some of the Turtle Rock dungeon before moving off to go and find the boomerang and collect some seashells for the level 2 sword. With both of them obtained, I was pretty much indestructible, easily seeing …

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX (3DS)

You know, I’m pretty sure I’m buying every single Virtual Console game out for the 3DS. I got Zelda the other week, and as well as that I’ve also got Kirby, Donkey Kong, Mario Land, Qix, Double Dragon and Fortified Zone. I’m only missing Tennis and Alleyway and I just know I’m going to end up with them too if there’s a slow week… But back to Zelda. Somehow, back in 2005, when I was running through pretty much every …

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond (Switch): COMPLETED!

Once more it was time to play a digital cock-fighting game! I mean, that’s basically what it is, right? With a plot, of course. A plot which is the same in every single Pokémon game: evil organisation (usually with a non-evil front) want to capture Pokémon for $reason so they can get Ultimate Power or something. All while your 10 year old avatar is rapidly rising from having a single feeble creature to being King Of All Pokémon Trainers and …

Baobab’s Mausoleum Episode 2: 1313 Barnabas Dead End Drive (Switch): COMPLETED!

Now this is better. Unlike the linear, disjointed approach of the first game, Episode 2 of Baobab’s Mausoleum works much better. You have a whole town to explore, and a day/night cycle (real-time, or skip by sleeping) to contend with. There are still TV and game references, and it’s still very weird, but it makes – in the context of the weird – much more sense. A girl goes missing and you have to find her. Only to do that, …

“Zelda IV”

Funny story. About nine months ago, Ian Higton, one of Eurogamer’s video guys blocked me on Twitter because he posted a video that had the wrong aspect ratio and I tweeted #stopaspectratioabuse at him. Fair enough, but it’s a valid crusade. It’s also not like there’s anything else going on in the world that is a bigger cause to work with anyway. But then last week, Ian needed my help. But he’d blocked me! Oh noes! He was after scans …

Adventures of Bertram Fiddle Episode 1: A Dreadly Business (Switch): COMPLETED!

I started this about a month ago, but totally forgot I was playing it. Then I realised that Untitled Goose Game and Link’s Awakening were out tomorrow and I remembered I had some unfinished stuff to do first. Turns out I was very near the end anyway. Bertram Fiddle is a point and click adventure game set in Victorian London, complete with mutton chops and Sherlock Holmes and a murder with a severed head as a clue. Bertram himself is …

A post about video games

Hello! It’s been a little while since I last posted anything, mainly because I’ve been busy. Thought I’d just mention a few upcoming games that’s I’m really looking forward to, and some other game related stuff. It’s been a slim few months for releases I’ve been interested in. Partly because there haven’t been that many big games over the summer, and partly because due to the £18 Rule I don’t get much on release any more and by the time …

Completed 2011

A World of Keflings (360 01/01/2011) Sonic Adventure (360 05/01/2011) Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (360 15/01/2011) Professor Layton and the Lost Future (DS 09/02/2011) Detana!! TwinBee (360 19/02/2011) TwinBee (360 27/02/2011) Red Dead Redemption (360 03/03/2011) Sonic the Hedgehog (DS 06/03/2011) Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (360 13/03/2011) X-Men (360 10/04/2011) Pilotwings Resort (3DS 10/04/2011) Metal Slug (Wii 14/04/2011) Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers (Wii 14/04/2011) Burning Fight (Wii 15/04/2011) Magician Lord (Wii 15/04/2011) Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii 19/04/2011) …

Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (DS)

I had some time before bed, and my DS was out anyway (for the brain games), and so I thought I’d have a quick go. So I’ve done the first dungeon, along with a bodyguard I had to pay (twice!) which was pretty easy. I’m not sure I like the combat (run into baddies, hammer the screen), but the dungeon puzzles – and sound effects – are suitably Zelda-esque. Which is good! The boss was pretty good, if a little …